Friday, May 8, 2009


pointer dah keluar..mesti dah checkkan?

dapat berapa?

lepas 3.00?

lepas eh?

wah..tahniah2!mmg hebat~

nak tau aku punye x?

xnk ke?

yela..xpelaa.... =(

xnk bgtau pun aa.. ;p

tp kn, mne la tau klu kau curious kan..

aku nk ckp yg pointer aku rendah je..

tp alhamdulillah..

yg besnye..

ak xopt pape subjek! hehe.. xD

..tahniah buat semua..
maaflah mengarut

Thursday, May 7, 2009


hello summer sem! xD yuhuu~ seems like i kinda love this semester..
everyday, my class starts at 8am and finishes at 10am..everyday..i mean, every weekdays weh! jom kua..lalala~ xD
however, i'm still trying my very 'best' to acclimatize myself with this so-called All-Day-Fun-and-Play semester. haha xD hope that i won't get carried away lah. lecture seems cool~ the lecturers are way to kind and, me and my friends seem to get on like a house on fire..thumbs up! new frens come along~

so, this sem, i am taking agama and psychology which would eventually become an ultimate amalgamation of all kind. a nearly perfect preparation before flying off, insyaAllah. and i think u know why. =) let's strive hard for the best.