The time began to trip along wayyyy much faster than before. Now, there’s only one day left before I put myself in a whole new environment. demm. I don't wanna fly yet. My bro just got back from uk a couple of days ago and we should spend more quality time together. =( Btw, Sorry that I haven’t updated my blog for long. I was kinda preoccupied lately. You know, my darling laptop was so stubborn that I was so stressed and sluggish even to go online. I really think I should send my laptop for a service or something that could cure its severe sickness before it could spread even worse. Adess. Yes, truth is, I haven’t used any antivirus ever since the early months of this year. Nevertheless, now I did buy a three-user pack of kaspersky antivirus for rm90 during the hectic pc fair. Actually I just need one though, but pondering profoundly about the vast different price I should pick the three-user pack for wise. Rm50 for one user while rm90 for three users. Hoho. You got the idea right? I haven’t installed it yet as there’s only one year service it offers. So I’m thinking of doing it in Wisconsin. So in short, all I wanted to say here is, Siapa bdk Wisconsin yg nak share antivirus dgn aku silalah bgtau ye =) I need one person and you don’t have to pay a single penny for real. But on one condition- every time the virus invades your computer, you MUST remember me as your courageous savior, ok? Haha. It was just a joke anyway. So, do let me know ok if you are attracted to accept this once-in-a-lifetime-of-coco-being-nice offer. Hehe =p
ok. enough babbling. i have no mood actually. yesterday i was having fever maybe because i was too distress with the shocking news of flying off way earlier which is on this friday. but im getting better today. ate steamboat with my beloved family. wee~ sgt sedap! thx abah. ain syg abah sgt2! :D
in the car, my dad did gave me some fatherly advices.
"ain, nanti da smpai usa jgn seronok sgt. solat jgn tinggal. ain jgn sombong dgn kwn2. kt usa nti, kwn2 tu la jd saudara kte. ape2 pun kne ade kwn. klu xda diorg spe lg nk tlg kte. mama n abah jauh. ain jgn sombong. klu ade duit lebih blnje la kwn2 skali skala. ain jg dri elok2.bljr rjin2.. dll "
hah..tmbh lg..advice from my beloved mum today..
"ain, nanti kt usa..jg kebersihan..jgn lupa cuci muka b4 tdo..ble peluh je trus mandi tau..jgn malas2..mandi slalu..jg kebersihan diri..awk tu org pmpn..pastu bljr masak kt usa nti..yada..yada.."
hahaha..thx mama..
korang ade pape advice utk aku x?hehe xD papepun, distance shall never make us apart..hope short, frens till end!hehe..
juga,thx abah.ain syg abah. thx mama. ain syg mama.
thx to both of you sb buatkn kenduri doa selamat specially for me. rmai yg dtg. i was so flattered. it was a great night, indeed. thx for coming. =)