Sunday, February 15, 2009

phoney baloney words..

i have loads of assignments need to be done..
i have loads of novels that i haven't read..
i have loads of new movies in the hard disk that i haven't watched..
i have loads of works need to be done..
i have loads of food in the fridge need to be eaten..
i have loads of other obligations need to be concentrate on..
i have loads of clothes to be folded..
i have loads of things to arrange..
i have loads of calories need to be reduced..

so, i am quite busy..huhu..malas la nk online..homework b'lambak gle kot..adehh..

enjoy your weekend people! :D err..enjoy your truly hectic weekend.. ;P


syahirshahimi said...

"i have loads of new movies in the hard disk that i haven't watched"

siot gile kau tgk american pie !

"i have loads of food in the fridge need to be eaten..

i have loads of calories need to be reduced.."

huh! contradicting statements !

kz said...

i agree with the above statementXD

ain coco said...

haha..ko jeles apsal syhr ;p igt laki je ke bley tgk??ak nk try adapt la with the environment of america..hua2..

mr brightside..yeah,life as a student really is hectic..huhu..btw, i miss u dude..cpt ah blk msia oit! ;p

Unknown said...

wey... coco.. ko normal ke x? tgok american pie... huhuhu...

kz said...

sabor sket jek kak,
abes jek sem nieh ak balek trus!hehe

ak bwk balek serban skali kat ko..
xleyh2..ko xleyh pkai serban,xpe2,
ak beli bnde yg ko boleh pkai lah kot..hehe

kalo ak balek bln 7 nie,ko de kat malaysia lagi x?kang dh berlepas jek la brng ko yek..

ain coco said...

syahmi oh normal ok..huhu..tq 4asking..btw, ak rse kn..ko sure tgk gak kn2??huhu ;P

dude..blum smpai sethn lg weih ko fly..huhu..ko mmg rindu msia nih..hehe..okeh2..nanti kte jmpe la..ak nk souvenir bes dr mesir!huhu..thnks..nanti ak bg ko sumtin bes ke..ak fly bln 8 insyaAllah..cuak2..huhu..thanks dude!come home now..jom lepak2..with the others..huhu..n tell me more about ur abroad experiences..huhu..