well, the migration process was kinda dreadful one though..the thing i hated the most would be packing up those things that i had once assembled throughout my 365days of living,in the room 5/319 akasia..hoho..so you get me..??the numbers keep on raising and in fact whilst i'm home back in kl, i tend to carry along all those trivial stuffs to my 'temporary' brand new room in akasia xP huhu~
and the fact that i'm all alone carrying those stuffs from the third floor made me even more miserable =( hello..i'm driving all alone like i'm migrating myself to a whole new place without the help of others..haha..optimistic ok! i'm trying hard to be independent..but but..thx to sari for carrying my weighty books..and dba's adik for helping me out with the fridge..thx a bunch! xD without u guys i might not even get myself back home by now.. xP
so, after hours and hours of backpacking..till it made me break in sweat..voila, here it is..!!cluttering my stuffs into the car..fuhh..nasib baik muat :DD
wah..banyaknya barang..macam apa je..hehe
wah..bestnya ada kereta sendiri..lawa pula tu nombor
haha..mmg brg mcm ape jer -_-" pnt ow agkt brg sorg2..huhu..
keta tu pkai skjp je pun..pasni da xda da..huhu =(
weyh.barang aku kat mesir x banyk smpai full satu kereta!hahaha
kantoi ah baju busuk ko melambak doe. haha
haha..yeah rite la kucai..skali ko agkt 1kargo..huhu..ko da la kaki shoppin xP
n anonymous, bj ak xda la sebyk bj ko kott! =p itu cmpur towel n cadar..dats y la byk.. =p
fuhh, penuh wOo~ mcm sardin kete ko
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