-The Tower Bridge-
known to most of us as the london bridge
truth is
the real london bridge is few metres beside this tower bridge
just a plain-dull-looking bridge
a peculiar fact but still,it is out of the ordinary =)
hey hey,
i'm flying back to my homeland today!weee~
quadruple thumbs up for me..counting the feet as well!haha..
people love to criticize the way i smile coz it looks a bit odd and insincere maybe..haha..and of course i look so gemuk kot..even my parents asked me why do i smile like that..haha..truth is, i am me and i'm not a photogenic..so, it's up to me to smile the way i want to smile because my smile could make others smile too and the smile could make you feel good(haa..penin2)..heee~ =) so,smile people ;p
=) senyum..senyum..senyum (=
so, maybe i'm gonna reach home by sunday morning,insyaAllah :D
pastu i'll b extremely busy filling up those MARA forms, medical cek up etc..etc..
wah..wah..wah -_-"
i'm starting to fret
harap2 lah sempat
thank you frens for helping me
i owe you one
goodbye United Kingdom =) till we meet again..
p:s i'll update my blog as soon as i'm free and i'll link all of you as soon as i found a brand new template that'll give me best satisfaction..sy xske template skrg..tp xda masa nk cri br punye ;p huhu..still, i'll always read yours..hehe =) tq..
p:s i'll update my blog as soon as i'm free and i'll link all of you as soon as i found a brand new template that'll give me best satisfaction..sy xske template skrg..tp xda masa nk cri br punye ;p huhu..still, i'll always read yours..hehe =) tq..
pengaruh syazwi aa nie suker amik gambar
best la ko pegi UK...aku x pernah pon pegi jauh2 mcm tu
sape ar si dia kat ats 2 yerk? wakaka.. xpe acap.. kita akn g lagik jauh dri UK.. kita g US nak bulan ogos neyh? jom acap kita g us.. lol..
zafree-haha..post anda xperlu d jwb kot..xtau la.. ;p
acap-alaa..ko g usa wehh..lg jauh tu.. :D bes2..huhu..pegi univ maryland lg~ dgn kwn yg ko syg lg tu~ :D hehe..
harya-si dia tu si dia la..haha ;p
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