be strong, be expensive..
be the priceless pearl in the deep ocean..
which only great divers who really love you..
would dive in the ocean through..
thousands of obstacles..
and do whatever it takes..
to get you..
the diver will keep you save..
care for you..
will never tore you apart..
far away from hurting you..
the diver will hold you forever..
in his precious place..
called heart ;)
life is truly wonderful. thank you ALLAH for everything ;D i am utterly grateful. Alhamdulillah.
did you copy paste this?
ok just kidding..
i love this poem
haha.. i made it up myself..bukan bes pun ;PP jom masak nasi ayam today! ;D
jum coco
ak sdara ko ok
abh ko ckap
hahaha ;pppp ye nani syg..
jadilah wardatul shauqah..
semakin cantik bunga ros tu, semakin tajam duri nye..
yelaa irshad ;ppp
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