Saturday, January 30, 2010

buat hw

you said that you wanna do all your assignments today
but what happen babe?
stop digressing, stop straying from the main priority please.
i need to do it all
by today, ok by today.
or else, I could not go skiing in a good heart.
or maybe I can not go skiing at all,
not until I'm done with them.

semangatkan diri buat homework ok ^_^

I just love capturing crappy picture when I'm bored ;)

Ai ai captain!
stop being lazyyy..
sleep less, work for more ;D

p:s nak minum air orange juice so badly, or apple juice, any kind. hari2 minum susu and air kosong je. sgt bosan. -_-" n yeah, today gonna cook lunch with my chinese friend ;)) sambal udang..woohoo ;DD have a great weekend people ;pp

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Hi there! It's 1.41am now and my mind is wandering around in utter bewilderment.yadaa, yadaa. Tengah buat calculus. I am super sleeepyyyyyyyyyy though I've slept a couple of hours in the evening. I have calculus quiz this morning. Guess when? 7.45am! Yet, I kept on digressing from my real track. Makan kek la, makan waffle la, gossip2.haha. and did my trigo homework just now. Nak tido, tp nak studyy. -_-" xpelahh. bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian! ;D anyway, I love all my classes! ;) including math 222, though I've obviously forgotten practically every single theories that I've learnt last year. nevertheless, my past made me learn to do better and remorsefully feel the need to improve for a brighter future. I would stop dwelling about the past, the pain and the memories I had that could vulnerably hurt myself. I am happy now, truly happy with my life. As long as I know that every seconds of my life is being blessed by Him, plus with the endless love from my beloved family and support from wonderful friends, I am more than thankful to ask for more than anything else. Why should I be sad? Every pain is every gain. I will stop dwelling and start to move on. Knowing that under current circumstances, and looking from both sides fairly enough, I just knew that I am on the right side. The story that you'll never know. It has ended. Forever, with no more loops, no repetitions. I believe in Karma and everybody does. Life is fair after all if we view it with an open mind. No regrets. ;) Now I just don't know what am I mumbling about. Ok dah, I should continue with calculus then. Goodnight people.

and o yeah, I am taking fith semester indonesian course. so, I can apparently literate Indonesia language soon enough. also, will be making a new blog and will write them all in Indonesia language. Haha. ;D Je les aime, beaucoup et toujours!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Deleted. Hah. I've told you so.
Asik kena ejek je kje.
Hehs -_-"
Pasni xnak dah post benda2 mgarut mcm tu dah.
..selamat malam..

Friday, January 22, 2010


today, I bought three delectable and utterly eye-catching muffins!
but sadly one could not last this far due to my extreme growling stomach
that could not resist the super temptation

anyway, I was frustrated with calculus
because I barely understand all the notes
written on the board.

that's why I bought muffins to make me happy.

now that I have those, jom lah study calculus! haha.

anyway, today someone has bought my book through

berjaya jual 3buku ok ;D

..woot woot..

p:s dkt madison market, muffin ni kan, buy one free one wehh =p pergi r beli.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

6 letters, for my special ones =D
baru hantar petang tadi.
this is my first time sending letters,
ever since I've been living abroad.
my bad.
and anyway,
I think I should stop spending money.
Every time I went to a shop,
just to browse through and cuci mata,
I would surely ended up
with at the very least,
a single plastic bag on my hand.
Shopaholic, I am.

That's why I am very fussy when it comes to money.
Thanks mother for this special trait ;)

My new resolution,
I am going to be a vegetarian.
not every single day, surely.
but most of the time, insyaAllah.

Go green!
Being a vegetarian,
surely could benefit you both globally and personally
but one thing for sure
being a full-time vegetarian could seriously
jeopardize you life.
so, don't be one. ;)

..jadilah omnivore..
lebih sihat dan kuat

p:s shop less, please =D excited utk ke kelas esok! =D mari rajinkan diri study calculus ;)) post tgh bosan sb study to bed..goodnight!

spring 2010

Hello there, Mr Spring 2010!
Today, is the first day class of a brand new semester! Yet, I don't have any. Not precisely right because I skipped one discussion class today. Ha-Ha. Lazy bone! Nevertheless I am proud to say that I woke up at 6.40am today and for the past three consecutive days! No more qada' subuh prayer, can I? ;D Let's do it, Yatie!! Amin2. Hu-Hu. Now, it's 11am and as I look upon the window in my room, I saw hundreds of students busy passing by the path to their own specific destinations. Loads of them, walking briskly and smiling to each other. I love watching and observing this hectic life. Suddenly, it makes me smile ;) How wonderful that life could be when everyone is busy pursuing their goals and dreams, to get the utmost in life. And same goes with me, I will do my best. Actually, I'm more like xsabar-nak-balik-Malaysia mood. But yeah, only good grades shall make me live in peace with endless grin on my face, I guess. So anyway, good luck to my dearest friends for this new semester! Let's do our best! ;D

p:s off to azleen's room. she went to discussion class today. how could I possibly been thinking that there's no discussion today? ha-ha. my first day would be tomorrow. chaiyok! thx leyn ;)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

open your eyes

Washington, DC Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007. The man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approx. 2 thousand people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After 3 minutes a middle aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his schedule.

4 minutes later:
the violinist received his first dollar: a woman threw the money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk..

6 minutes:
A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

10 minutes:
A 3-year old boy stopped but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on quickly.

45 minutes:
The musician played continuously. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.

1 hour:
He finished playing and silence took over. No one noticed. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before Joshua Bell sold out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a true story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities. The questions raised: in a common place environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made.... How many other things are we missing?

"It was the most astonishing thing I've ever seen in Washington. Joshua Bell was standing there playing at rush hour, and people were not stopping, and not even looking, and some were flipping quarters at him! Quarters! I wouldn't do that to anybody. I was thinking: Omigosh, what kind of a city do I live in that this could happen?" - Stacy Furukawa, the only person to recognize him.

We tend to forget the greatest beauty, the greatest gift given by Him when we are all busy with our own hectic works perceiving the triumph of life. So, open your eyes ;D think, appreciate and perceive the here-after life as well.

p:s thanks mister for this article ;)

Friday, January 15, 2010


GOOD LUCK N ALL THE BEST..dress up smart n walk with confident , be bold not timid ok.just show your confident n smile byk2 okeylah mama doakan ain dpt kerja. (mama, 2010)

just be yourself. show them that you are a responsible person, who is fun, love to be around people and love to learn something new :) and when you start working, always smile and be nice but don't let people take advantage on you. okay, hun? :) (kak anna, 2010)

goodluck coco! (wisconsin peers, 2010)

thank you for those wonderful advice ;DDDD i will do my very best. whether I successfully get the job or not, simply does not matter. the most essential part is to try with my best shot.

p:s I bet tomorrow will be fun. ;) main golf, first time and i am currently happy kerana berjaya menjual sebuah buku dan mendapat sebuah buku for free! ;D


don't simply make faulty assumption
judge people when you don't even know the hidden truth of the paramount reality
life is a complete set.

p:s you can only see the unambiguous outside clearly and will never know the ambiguous part. so, don't judge unless you have any evident and undeniable proofs. ape-ape aje.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


There is no word as beautiful as Allah.
No example as beautiful as Rasulallah (SAW),
No lesson as beautiful as Islam

No song as melodious as Azan.

No charity as meaningful as Zakat.

No encyclopaedia as perfect as Al Quran.

No prayer as perfect as Namaz.

No diet as perfect as fasting.

No journey as perfect as Hajj.

wonderful Islam ;D

p:s let's hold tight to those ;)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


wahh. hebatnya anda. saya literally jeles sgt3 dgn anda kerana markah anda sgt amat hebat. waaaaaaaaaaa. i'm gonna work hard next sem. papepun, tahniah kwnku! ;D im proud of u.

^aim high^
welcome spring 2010

p:s thanks ;)


yesterday, I applied for practically every jobs that ever exist in UW-Madison. it has 2 numbers, side to side, which means MORE than 9jobs I've applied! and I was really thrilled to fill up all those forms with endless anticipation that I might get employ. happy but pathetic that I get lots of replies today saying that the jobs I've applied for are full and please apply for the next semester. yadaa. those dreadful mails ebb my smile away. please don't let me drown in boredom. I want to work, anything will do regardless of the wages. blimey, officially I am now totally lazyyyyy to seek any kind of jobs dah. now I know that earning money is really hard though. maybe I shouldn't think about jobs yet. the spirit wouldn't fade, I will apply for more next time ;p rakan2 yg dpt kerja, tahniah. sy sgtlah jeles dgn anda. huhu. hargailah kerja korang tu ;) and have fun! I know how to make myself busy even when I am being unemployed ;D I have lots of things to do. So let's get busy! ;)

p:s harini Farah dah start kerja. I am all alone, again, in my room. Bosan. tp xpelah. I have 629pages of novel to read -_-" banyakkkkkk btul. terpaksa memaksa diri sendiri membaca.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

thank you

thank you for reassembling all the parts back again ;)


i had a wonderful time today. skype with my parents and so, i am coming back to Malaysia this year! woot woot ;D i miss you Malaysia! and it's funny when my dad finally has his own facebook account though he never really knew how to open his page. his profile page is simply plain and dull with nil picture. haha. so i offered myself to help him out. and then he told me his password and email address, directly without any single condition. owh, i just love you abah. and how he gave me fatherly advices about being nice to the people around us, the needs of sharing and caring, far leaving the selfishness behind. and all his humorous thoughts, " ain balik malaysia nanti, ain nak pergi cuti dkt mne? " ;D huhu. and mama, thx for giving me continuous support in my education, for understanding my needs. i will do my very best ;)

i love you both ;)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


my adorable room ;))
Home sweet home! Yeay, finally I've moved to Chadbourne Residential Hall back again. I am going to spend my winter break with loads of 'fun' activities ;p

and hello 2010! ;D I am looking forward for more novel experiences. Chicago trip was superbly great indeed! ;D The best part was that after months of searching, I could finally find the most suitable,beautiful and yet affordable handbag for my beloved mum, a Coach handbag. ;D and am glad that she loves it, very very into her. ;)

my new year's celebration, haha. a common place, but odd to be in during the new year. a bit aberration, i guess. still, it was nice that we did the count down together and glancing passionately at the digital clock for it to turn 12am, 1st Jan 2010 ;) Happy New Year!
(union station, Chicago downtown)

Mr 2010,
I have no specific resolutions like other people do. I prefer to go with the flow. However, always, I want to succeed in both current life and here-after. I will need to enhance my cooking skills, read more books, learn diversely kind of stuffs, get to know people, and many more that are essential. I am thankful with everything that I ever have now. Alhamdulillah, with His wills, I will always love and cherish every seconds of my life.

Goodluck for 2010! ;D

p:s What goes around comes around. Life is just fair because the only one creator is almighty justice. Mari amar makhruf nahi mungkar ;)) Also, expect the unexpected.


oh, tengah kabus tebal -_-"
Willis tower, formerly known as Sears tower is one of the most prominent skyscrapers in the world. Completed in the year 1973. Currently, it is the tallest building in the United States and proudly secure the fifth place for the world's tallest building. An insurance broker from London, Willis Group Holdings Ltd then bought the building and rename it as Willis tower on July 16th, 2009.

Antenna or spire 1,730 feet (527 m)
Roof 1,451 ft (442 m)

It was fun going up there and meet oldie friends who are scattered from all over the States. Also, glad to meet my wonderful cousin and her husband. Thank you semua, I had great time there. ;)

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Alhamdulillah. I am finally at home, safe and sound. Thank you so much for such a warm welcome that you gave us, dearest kak anna and abg mike ;D I had so much fun in Chicago.

As usual, I check my wiscmail today and glad that Professor Korinna has finally replied my email.

You earned yourself an 86/100 for the final exam. Congratulations. Korinna Hansen

>Dear Prof Korinna Hansen,
>Hi, I'm a student in your econ 101 class. Do you mind telling me my final exam marks? My ID number is 906 *** ****..Thank you!
>Best regards,
>Nurul Ain Rosle

A flicker of disappointment rushes into my veins, sad and frustrated. I earn 90% for the cumulative marks throughout the whole semester and indeed, I get an AB. I guess Prof Korinna really is a strict person who would obey the range precisely. Argh. Geramnyaaaaa because 82-90 would be AB. And I am truly on the edge. ;((( stress. Anyway, let by gone be by gone. I learn that even a single mark plays a vital role in my final grade. So, don’t ever mess up from the very beginning of the class. Saya boleh dan anda juga! ;D goodluck to us. Learn and be better in future.