Tuesday, January 12, 2010


yesterday, I applied for practically every jobs that ever exist in UW-Madison. it has 2 numbers, side to side, which means MORE than 9jobs I've applied! and I was really thrilled to fill up all those forms with endless anticipation that I might get employ. happy but pathetic that I get lots of replies today saying that the jobs I've applied for are full and please apply for the next semester. yadaa. those dreadful mails ebb my smile away. please don't let me drown in boredom. I want to work, anything will do regardless of the wages. blimey, officially I am now totally lazyyyyy to seek any kind of jobs dah. now I know that earning money is really hard though. maybe I shouldn't think about jobs yet. the spirit wouldn't fade, I will apply for more next time ;p rakan2 yg dpt kerja, tahniah. sy sgtlah jeles dgn anda. huhu. hargailah kerja korang tu ;) and have fun! I know how to make myself busy even when I am being unemployed ;D I have lots of things to do. So let's get busy! ;)

p:s harini Farah dah start kerja. I am all alone, again, in my room. Bosan. tp xpelah. I have 629pages of novel to read -_-" banyakkkkkk btul. terpaksa memaksa diri sendiri membaca.


Naqib said...

nmpknye ko mmg XBOLEH keje
:P :P :P

ain coco said...

oitt..apsal ak xley kje plakkkkkk ;ppppp tgk laa..wait n c..u'll nvr knw wht happen nxt ;ppppp