hello 2009 and goodbye 2008 :D
a new year, with a better hope..
quick glimpse of my 2008
quick glimpse of my 2008
--beam from ear to ear--
-->got my P :DD finally,i can drive!yuhuu~
-->got my P :DD finally,i can drive!yuhuu~
-->good SPM results
-->my parents were extremely happy :D and i'm happy to make them happy :D
-->laptop from my mum..thanks!
-->new hp from my dad..thanks!
-->had wonderful family trips to shenzhen,bandung and jakarta
-->secure MARA scholarship
-->received $$$ from the military company etc. :D superb r!
-->great education in INTEC
-->new friends :D
-->love HACC and FA-C TEAM
-->berjaya smpai ke puncak gng nuang!bes gler :D evnthough agak tempang pastuh..
-->best new haccer is tombak..huhu..unbelievable..
-->me and my housemates berjaya buat open house bsr2an..25+ visitors..korang mmg cool lah!
-->passed 3.0 gpa
-->passed TOEFL
-->passed SAT
...alhamdulillah,syuqran for everything ya Allah :D ...
--sour-faced all around--
-->failed my JPJ test for 2x
-->quarreled with the one i love the most
-->quarreled with the one i love the most
-->squandered my precious time
-->no longer learning silat cekak hanafi..sori seniors..
-->no longer learning silat cekak hanafi..sori seniors..
-->stressed with the hectic schedule, exams, wordlists and various activies
-->miss my previous school ,besties and peers
-->spe nk tau ak dpt 2.07 je for midsem??adess..mcm ape jerr..
-->hp nokia 5300 kesygn rosak sbb mandi hujan time hiking di gunung nuang
-->laptop punye wifi rosak
-->almost flunk precal..am i ready to take cal??hish..
-->essays xsiap lg..adess..hangat2 tahi ayam btul rr..
-->lost my 1G memory card..xsmpt gne lsg ;( spe curi hah?? ;p
-->lazybone!malas gle nk bersenam!haiyaa..
-->lazybone!malas gle nk bersenam!haiyaa..
-->ohh iman ;((
-->sleep too frequent, woke up late and i would be the last girl to enter jackson every morning..!!sorry dearest lecturers,i've repented!
2009 resolutions!
-->tingkatkan amalan..kurangkan dosa..insyaAllah
-->3.3+ cgpa please
-->say NO to procrastination!
-->jog at least once a week ;p
-->bergayut puas2 (bkn on phone la)
-->eat well-balanced diet food and drink healthy beverages
-->jimat $$$..elakkan pembaziran!
-->make my parents happy
-->study smart and hard as well
-->improve SAT marks this jan plse3!
-->pampered myself with something nice whenever i'm happy with my achievemnts and vice versa lah
-->tgktkan lah self-esteem
-->improve english
-->berkawanlah dgn rakan2 br and senyum sokmo :D
-->main masak2
-->rajin2 kn lah dri bc newpapers..
-->be a responsible HACCer
-->hello USA! ;)
..insyaAllah..i'll try my best!..
hold me whenever i fall
encourage me whenever i'm giving up
correct me whenever i'm wrong
advice me whenever i'm falling apart at the seams
millions of thank you and i really hope that all of us can fulfill our dreams and eventually succeed!..insyaAllah..let's work for it! :D

tahniah aa utik segala mende baik yang berlaku kat ko
n sorry for bad things that happened
calculus? meh sini aku tolong
waah..ade org nk ajar ak cal lah..thnks zfree! :D ko mmg baik r..nanti papehal ak cri ko ok!
marilah membanyakkan duit hacc tahun depan.. oke?
haha..diba..jom2..kite jd haccers yg b'wibawa.. :D ko kutip duit byk2..
blaja leklok~~~~~~~
cal senang je~~~~~~
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