1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take your picture of yourself right now
2) dont change your clothes, dont fix your hair..just take a picture
3) paste the picture with no editing4
4) post these instructions with your picture
5) tag 5 people to do this

ppl i wish to tag:
alaaa..mcm da rmai jer yg da wt menda nih..ak main tag je r eh..
2)farah syakirah
3)zaki n wani =)
4)bdk2 jckson fall 08..klu korg rajen wt r..huhu..thnks..klu xnk pun xpe..tiada pksaan =)
5)siapa2 yg bc blog aku..aku tag korg sume..:D haha..tp klu xnk wt pun xpe..tiada pksaan =)
huhu..thnks ye sume!
oit....x menepati arahan.
bace la btol2 arahan no 3 tue.
alamak..xley edit??br sdr..hahaha..;p halal r..smart pe.. :D nmpk real..
elehhhhh. tajuk post nak sama ngn syahir jeee. :P eleh eleh. lagi nak deny kan kan kan! :D
eh??Sama ke??xsdr ponn!! ;p yelahh..ak tkr..siyes xsdr..sori ryhann..jgn mara..muahaha! ;p
elehhhhhh tukar plak. nak elak gosip laaa tuhhhh! ehemmm ehemmmmmm! :D
snyp lah raihan! ;p bluekk! haha..
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