they are utterly cool and hilarious! most of the time we would burst into laughter..haha..

lunch at mamak's.. the guy in white always think he's rain..oppa rain..'i am rain and i only eat roti!' that what he always says..haha..

bobby is trying to maintain his cute countenance bcoz he's sitting beside a pretty korean girl ;P

malaysia's food is de-li-cious~ all the koreans say that.. :D

as you can see,he's eating using his right hand because we ask him to do so..haha..he even love it ok ;)
credits to azizi,wahie,mira, zafree, syazwi and acap for collaborating as a great team! thank you people ;)
dear koreans,
you guys are going back to Korea today.. ;( i'll be missing all of you..hope our friendship remains and best of luck for your future undertaking..nice to meet you guys even for just 2weeks..hope we'll meet again, someday.. :D
babeng! aku memang COMEL kot dalam pic tu! hahaahahaa
coco..dorg bru je grak td...kul 7 lbih..huhu
haha..yup,ko mmg comel la bobby..serious comel! :P haha..
yeke wahie?wa3..sdey..
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