Saturday, January 17, 2009


for the first time in my life, i went to jusco bukit raja..juz 10mins taxi ride from akasia..easy-peasy and convenient! :Dteo ais limau =)all of us watch bed time stories excpt pza n wahi who watch histeria..great time :D model pop corn
libido..haha..totally maniac.. =p

to me, bed time stories is kinda bunk movie because it doesn't make sense to tell bed time stories to kids and suddenly it comes for real in the real life..but the lil girl is totally cute and the movie is quite hilarious because i guess adam sandler is well-known for his great sense of part of all, i bought a new bag, new moon novel and a pair of jeans..and we had such a great day!thanks friends :D


abid™ said...


ko mugkin xtau lg. ak just nak gtau yg citer bedtime stories nie....

10% drpd jualan tiketnye dgunakan utk membiayai tentera israel....

so...fham2 je la yek...


ain coco said...

lah..yeke??asl xckp awl2 wei?? =(

abid™ said...

ak ingat dh rmai tau.....

sori la yek....

ali aiman said...

boikot holllywood, tgk citer malaysia

ain coco said...

oo..ak xtau la wahid..btw,cte tuh mmg bosan gler pun..
to ali..haha..ak tau ko ske filem2 msia..bgus r ko nih ;)

kz said...

Wea!wea!jj.b.raja tmpat ak r.npe ko hang kat c2??aduhh..hehe.jgn wat sepah2 kat c2 dh.nie payah die duk s.alam ni,menjajah tnah orng!hehe.jgn ak blek,tngk bnde dh laen.jgn kte ko nyer psl!hehe.xdk2.ak final rinie,mmg dh dtkdirkn ntk ngarut2.n ko kn teman mngarut ak yg setia.hehehe.ak cuak gler dowh!!exm kul 12 plak 2uh!bwt la pgi2!isyk.arab2..dh2.ak dh btng dh.btw.ko pehal wea!rlex2.jgn dh muntah2.ko tension jek.ko trus ngarut psl pape ngn member ko.cnfrm elok nyer!

Anonymous said...

unbelievable! tudungnye matching dgn dress nye! hahah..
weyh.. sorry..
ko tido sorg ke mlm tu?
ak x bjet pon mmber ak nk dtg ambek ak dowh..