Saturday, January 30, 2010

buat hw

you said that you wanna do all your assignments today
but what happen babe?
stop digressing, stop straying from the main priority please.
i need to do it all
by today, ok by today.
or else, I could not go skiing in a good heart.
or maybe I can not go skiing at all,
not until I'm done with them.

semangatkan diri buat homework ok ^_^

I just love capturing crappy picture when I'm bored ;)

Ai ai captain!
stop being lazyyy..
sleep less, work for more ;D

p:s nak minum air orange juice so badly, or apple juice, any kind. hari2 minum susu and air kosong je. sgt bosan. -_-" n yeah, today gonna cook lunch with my chinese friend ;)) sambal udang..woohoo ;DD have a great weekend people ;pp


a d a m™ said...

hai...comel nyer...boleh kenal? awak belajar lagi ke dah kerja?

ain coco said...

eiiiiiiiiii..marahnyerr.. =pp adam budak gedik..

Naqib said...

aah la. comel la awk pkai topi kecik tu. mcm captain. btambah comel. nk no bole? buaahahahahaha :PP

ain coco said...


siti.mashitah said...

cocooo..... BUAT HW! D: