today, I bought three delectable and utterly eye-catching muffins!
but sadly one could not last this far due to my extreme growling stomach
that could not resist the super temptation
anyway, I was frustrated with calculus
because I barely understand all the notes
written on the board.
that's why I bought muffins to make me happy.
now that I have those, jom lah study calculus! haha.
anyway, today someone has bought my book through
berjaya jual 3buku ok ;D
..woot woot..
p:s dkt madison market, muffin ni kan, buy one free one wehh =p pergi r beli.
suka muffins rupanya.
patutla muka mcm muffins.
misery loves company,
but endorphines will dfntely help!^^
GL wth calculus!
haha..pojan ckp dgn cermin eh =p dtg la wisconsin pojan!! ;) cant wait to meet u again..huhu..
kucai, endorphines tu ape eh? haha..bley flunk bio dah ni -_-" jgn la gne scientific word dgn aku..hehe..
nwy thx mister kucai..GL with medic..!! chaiyok Doctor! ;D
gemok! makan je kerje kau haha
hahaha..adibah, terharu ak dat ko still tracking blog aku =pp nwy, klu ko dtg madison, ak blnje ko muffin, cake n segala mknn myelerakan..!!serious =D haha..
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