dear bird,
soar, highly as you can towards the endless sky,
liberate yourself, from your own genuine nest,
slow or fast, always keep on flying forward,
high or low, always try to reach the upper space,
heal the pain,
forget the past,
learn better,
fly faster,
never to return again,
mari belajar bersungguh-sungguh untuk semester spring 2010! ;D
Last week, I skipped a total of 7 classes, which is similarly to three days of my weekdays. In other words, I only went to classes on Monday and Wednesday -_-" for real. I don't even have any tangible excuses for that. Sigh. So, please change for your own good ;) Start flying.
P:S happy birthday and sweet 20, dear azleen ;)
takpe kalau buat silap, yang penting jangan ulang silap yang sama ;)
gie kelas tau~
travel alone~
coco, esok g kelas discussion!!
jgn tido taw!!
hahaha. baik2!! ;D jumpa kt kelas esokk!! jgn ponteng2 dah ^^
arigatoo ain-chan!!!
ak baru skip 2 kelas je.. ;D OK, JGN SKIP KELAS DA!!!!!!!!!!!!
ganbatte ne!! ;D
fly bukan ker maksudnyer ponteng?
selalu dulu2 aku fly gi CC ar...tuh ke maksud fly ko? wkaakak
eee..sume org ade pemikiran masing2 laa..shuh2 =p tau la kelas 3hari je semgu -_-" boleyy laaa cmtuhh...
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