Time Passes
Death is like a bullet,
coming quick and accurate.
Taking your breath with it,
on a long journey through the depths of hell!
Your soul captured,
a delicacy for the gods!
Your heart thrown away,
for it can love no more!
Your voice silenced,
from the terrifying horror.
Each second you get older,
each second closer to death,
each second you must hold on to,
it doesn't hurt to be the one who remembers!
by Nike McClure.
Sweet 20 miss nurul ain rosle ;)
Alhamdulillah that I've been living up my life for 20 magnificent years. True, one year older similarly means one step closer towards death. Hope this longevity shall broaden up my mind through the priceless experiences I've acquired, and would helpfully ease me in choosing the best path for myself, far away from being in astray. Semoga tahun ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Amin. Stay young, always ;)
first time upload video kt blog. haha ;D thx nani!
p:s thanks korang for all those birthday wishes and wonderful surprises. ;D friends till end ;) xoxo!

p:s wahh. I'm an old lady now ;( haha. my spirits wouldn't fade accordingly with age but indeed would grow even stronger progressively. haha. I'll always be living in a happy heart ;) sayang korang, bdk2 madison. semoga kita semua berjaya! ;)
coco im so sorry video amaturrr
ok happy belated birthdayy :)
hahaha. thx for taking that video! ;D haha. without even asking for it. hehe. xoxo! jom pergi zumba kuruskan badan! ;D
saya rasa naimah sudah membesar!! tahniah naimah!! haha~
selamat hari lahir nurul ain rosle..
hehehe, aku suke lah comment kau wahid!
thanks, usaha aku xsia2!
ain!!!! i noe some ione la dlm pic tu...
my primary schoolmates!!! arif!!! my bestfren tym skola.. what a small world... ade sorg lg my fren at ur place.. vinoad
hahaha. which arif bella? ade 2guys with the name arif ;) u wanna send your regards to them? i can help you with that ;D huhu. such a small world.
alamak. tersalah account. hehe. yang ayin tu adalah sy ye cik bella ;) they call me ayin instead of ain.
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