Thursday, July 23, 2009


La Tour d'Eiffel
the one and only skyscrapper in Paris
uniquely built
to prove the usefulness of steel
during the old century
was constructed on 1832 to 1923
and famously known around the globe
especially for the lovers out there
to express their affections towards one and another
je t'aime et je t'adore aussi
vous avez bien amies
merci beaucoup
=) (=

picture taken by my brother,edited by me ;) i'm lovin it!


a d a m™ said... nyer~~

Anonymous said...

ain!!!! mne kamu skrg????

ain coco said...

bella, ak kt london nw =) tp ak blk msia esk! :D weee~ huhu..
eyh, dtg la umah ak nti tau..kenduri doa slmt..nk jmpe korg =) i let u know ble.. :D

Anonymous said...

NICE picture weyh!
apa yang u edit?

ain coco said...

nice ke?wah3..thx!! :D terharu ni..1st time org puji..hehehe.. =p edit wrna je..kasi lawa skit la kot..huhu..

Anonymous said...

laaa, dtg paris tk gitau nih,huhu,
