ok now, i'm going to write about my day out with sya,my classmate :D kales, syamil and adlil were unable to come along because they're indolent,lazy bone..ish3 ;p sabar je la..rugi ow xjoin...;p haha..
first thing in the morning, i woke up then get ready to KLCC...i arrived as early as 1030am..and then,my first aim was kinokuniya! sya came a bit late..but nevermind..i enjoyed staring and peeking up at those books with full of lust! then, i went to engineering section..just to have a glance on this course..and eureka! i finally found calculus books..guess what?? there's also that green thick calculus textbook and the price??woah..rm200+ ..i would rather go shopping...so eventually, i just bought a calculus exercise book..has 3000 solved problems in it..rm63.80..i have to use my own money..due to my own fault..!!as a matter of fact, i didnt ask for it from my dad...and he forgot to give me any that morning..waaa...never mind..i think it would worth every penny..definitely it will!!i dont wanna face the same regret as i did with my previous precalculus results..sick of it! =( im neither genius nor really that brainiac...xmacam shasha dan zafree yg sgt pro math itu!!;p huhu..actually,aku xsentuh pape lagi psl calculus...adoi..im doom!

ok..enough with the calculus thingy..bosan kot..haha..ok,next..i met up with sya at kinonkuniya..and suddenly..my tummy growled (not for real la) hehe..so, im hungry..sha,lets have our lunch! we're out of idea..so, we ate at manhattan fish market.. what an exquisite restaurant..i've never ever tried it out..never ever in my whole life..!!my family xske mkn ikan je..haha..so, saje2 lah try out something new..might be extra delicious..??finger lickin good??maybe..well, its pretty good..i drank mango juice..sdp sehh...juicy gle..hehe..n sya drank ice lemon tea kot? rm1 differs from mine..so,better order juice kan??hehe..just joking sya..and we ordered man seafood plat two..kira one whole set included prawns, fish and chip, onion rings and fries..yummy~ the best part was while we're eating those delicious food but the hardest part was of course, to pay the bill!! haha..rm68.65 just for two of us..woah..so,each of us paid rm35 just for lunch..huhu..most expensive food i have ever eaten with my friend while hangout..seriously..but never mind..at least, i've tried something new..hehe...i almost broke..adehh..
next, we continued our journey to pavillion..walk around 10minutes..fuhh..kne guna physchology to reach there..always says..'5minit lagi!' haha..then, we went to gsc..book 2tickets for madagascar 2..each ticket costs rm12..wyg pavy mmg mhl..ish3..however, i enjoyed watching it! hilarious gle.. coincidently, ali dyper was there too..but he watched wyg..and we chit chat for awhile..he became our directory board..haha..thanks dype!
after that, we continued our way to sg wang..walked again..around 10minutes..i bought a pair of jeans, memory card, and a cloth..im totally broke! cant help it..rambang mata kot..haha..sya plak entered each shop that sell clothes and shoes..as we all know, shops di sg wg 90% adalah kedai kasut and kedai baju..maka, reluctantly, i accompanied her..but after all, it was really enjoyable looking up at all those things...just that, aku pelik asal si sya ni x penat langsung walhal aku exhausted gle..haha..active sungguh sya..
then, we snapped some pictures and went back home..walked again to klcc and went home by LRT..it was a great day...thank you sya..and wait for raya haji..we'll go shopping again... ;) see you soon..

thanx for the compliment! :)
tp xde aa pandai maner pun...hehe
meh sini aku ajar ko, confirm leh dapat A+!haha poyo giler
well, good luck aa study calculus!
haha..zfree poyo ;p nxt sem,jgn lupa ajr aku ye ;) ak xdpt A+ siap ko..muahaha..
p/s jgn sombong dgn aku yg xhebat nih..nxt sem..c ya around..
aku maner ader sombong~
aku kan peramah dan mesra orangnyer~~
apsal aku yg dipersalahkan kalo ko x dpt A+?
haha..ak main2 je r..xkn r nk slhkn ko kot..slh dri sndri r..hehe ;p
wei2..cngrats 4 ur flying colors TOEFL results ;)hebat sehh...
tapi kalo dah ajar org sape xnk org tu dapat good result kan?
ko berusahalah!aku nk kena ajar raihan gak :D
owh toefl...tenkiu2!tapi cam sayang aa skit lagi nk lepas seratus.huhu..
haha..xpe2..ak fhm..owez utamakn yg t'syg dlu..ngeh3 ;)
nanti klu ak xtau ak tnye la..hehe
toefl??alaa..ok r tuh wei..tgi ow..
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