after 2x failing my JPJ tests ( loser)..after few days of practicing ..after few months of being patient and determined..finally now, i can drive my dream car, suzuki swift all alone by myself!! :DD a brand new experience..great achievement!! i am jubilant..grinning from ear to ear...haha ;p
swiftly it moves~ i am loving it!
weyh,, kaki ko smpai ke nk drive kete tu?? :p
oit sha2..tau r ko dah drve jauh dgn jayanye..dr phg lg..sbuk r kau ;p
mesti r kaki smpai..da bwk jauh dah k ;p haha..
wei,esk ko drve g intec r shasha..jom2..
adoi, aku xde transport lar..
g ari senin ar..
kite lumbe sape cpat smpai..
haha.. kompem ar aku mng..
coz kaki ko xsmpai nk pijak pedal minyak.. xbergerak kete tu.
wa3..sedap sungguh anda mengata sy..adoi..skali ak drve lg laju dr kau!! ;p
wei, pepatah mlayu ade mgatakn...bia lmbt aslkn selamat...xke mne yer intec tuh..safety first.. ;p
insyaAllah ak join la isnin nih..kne cnvince kan parents ak dlu..ko ajak r yg lain..
c u dis mon cls rep jckson yg star!!
ekeleh,, dlm blog punye ar smgt citer..
boley bwk sndiri.. hahaha..
xpe2.. g ar convince parent ko..
nnt aku ajak budak laen..
aku pakse diorg kuar..
ak tau cmne ain bley drive..
die ade high heels... haha
keep th pressure huh..
jgn woi2 lagi..
-no offence-
spe kau??adeh..aku tau ko jeles sb ko xboleh pkai high heels kn?? ;p
nk drve gne kemahiran..bkn high heels la si cerdik pandai..;p
wht evRR.. hahah
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