by the way,have u guys watched james bond quantum of solace??if u haven' advice, em..better don't ever watch it lah!! honestly...very tedious..mostly emphasize on actions..actions and actions!!no wonder, it really is an action movie..(2.5 stars)
well, now i dont have my laptop with me..sent to the workshop..need to repair on the wireless thingy..for free maybe..still got the laptop fell off my bad..=(
gpa??my fall final gpa, just a typical one..alhamdulillah..passed 3.0..huhu...way better than my mid sem results :D ..but it ain't that great..can't wait for next sem..c++ n cal??woah..better get ready!!subjects are getting more complicated..thus, i ought to work harder...
n 4ui..there's a great sale at ts..borders..go there n try to have a look..but, i dont know how long it lasts..the price of those books,novels are damn cheap! up to 30% discounts..a good bargain huh..i bought 1 wit just rm15..though its written there 6.99paun..haha....the tittle is 'the other side of the story'..well..u cant resist it!!

to me, it's extremely thick!!and i haven't start a single page...-_-' if you enjoy reading novels, you can definitely borrow this from me ;)
ko neyh clumsy tol ar..
leyh plak ja2h laptop..
jgn riso ar..
toefl ko mesti powernya..
mmg dowh die ni
clumsy ala2 lagu fergie tu
hahaha =D
yup2 btol2
kau mesti powernye toefl tuh
uh huh =P
haha..thanks harya n syhr...;p ye,clumsy gak bad..adoi..korg nyer toefl pun gmpk punye ;) gdluck..
kepade sesape yg nak tau kesah sebenar bgaimane kjadian laptop ain boleh parah begitu rupe boleh la mnghubungi ak di tali keledar kereta anda..
kerane ak lebih tau segale2nye berbanding si tuan punye laptop..
(nyesal x tgkp gmbr incident tuh..)
-aku rumet ain-
haha..wei dba..sbnrnye..laptop ak jatuh sb jam hp kau r ;p ttba mlm2 buta b'bunyi..mengejutkn aku smpai laptop ak t'cmpak..haha..
naseb baik ak rumet ko yg cool..haha..;p
ko nk tgkp gmbr cmne?
ko da r tgh mamai gle time tuh..haha..
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