specially written for my big bro who's currently studying in far far away land =)
salam~ hey,recently heard that you've been diagnosed with fluenza due to the cold weather..haha ;p kesian2..so,get well soon big bro..study smart and hard so that you can graduate soon enough..you'll be a great helper of abah..insyaAllah..btw, be a good cook and devour properly..haha..think wisely and be fussy in finding the right gf..seriously..last but not least,best wishes from your truly sarcastic adik..best of luck! =)
p/s ak nk hnbg harrods..plse3x!! :D
serius abg kau muke cam cine wehh
haha..xda r sgt kot..muka ko lg cm cine weih..;p haha..
abg ko stadi ktner ain?
ain..abg ko study kt uni pe? ;)
hrya..die kt uk wt dgree..
anonymous..ko tyra ey??die kt sunderland.. =)
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