you are cordially invited to come to my apartment,
room 5/319 akasia,
this sunday,
at 9.00pm onwards..
invitation for:
1. fall jacksonians 08
2.spring bostonians 09
3. haccers
4. my neighbours
5. those who know me even we're not classmates
5.adfp students
please come over..
just bring your half-empty stomach,not fully-empty ok..haha..;p
datang tau!
because my housemates and I are going to cook!!haha..
some nice delicious meals i guess
insyaAllah it wont do any harm to your stomach..hehe..^^
p:s this small celebration is just for fun and our first open house for the year 2009..
so, please do come over ok!thank you people..
datang tau!
gurls only eh?
aku nk join gak...
ade "shower" siott
sape la antare korang yg nk kawin ni??
ali: yup,girls only la..sori ;(
zafree: ko kne disguise jd pmpn la..hehe
syhr: ape mslh ko??shower pe ye??ak suh diorg bwk perut je la ;P haha..
aku nk dtg gak.
oit, party besday ker?
xnk wat kt boston skali ker?
bwat ar party kt boston ari senin..
kitorg (dak laki2 boston) mengalu-alukan. :))
nyway, epi besday.
minx maap kalo ade salah n silap..
(eh2, cam raye lak) hehehe
=p.. phm2 jeq lar
weh weh aku datang! :)
syhr: ape mslh ko?? SHOWER pe ye??ak suh diorg bwk perut je la ;P haha..
according to the book: the U.S.A Customs and Institution that costs me about rm50 (mahal gile siot), SHOWER means "a party just for women/girls"
harap maklum..hehe...
weih syahir..shower to bkn party for a girl d mane all her relatives bwk present sbb nk shower dat girl wit prezzies ke?
ak juz suh diorg bwk perut laa.. ;P lain la tuu..klu nk bwk adiah pun xpe kire bkn shower la weih..ape la ko ni..
to harya..u're almost welcome..dtg kne disguise la..sggupkah anda?? ;P
to shasha..ak maapkn big deal..sbr je la..ko wt lg siap ko dow..n boston party??tgk la dlu cmne..dpends la..klu ade byk leftover..y not?huhu..
to raihan,i'll be waiting ok..:D
aku tau maksud die psl relatives kasik hadiah tu
tp aku x kire
aku anggap mende ni sbg shower jugak!!!
(syahir xde keje-cube memprovoke org je kejenye)
oit..ak tau la ko xsbr2 nk ade shower party kn2??buat la..nanti ak kasi adiah..ok? ;P
ko da maapkan ea??
oo, pasnih boley ar wat lg..
relax coco..
bukn slalu kitorg bwat camtu..
skali-skale jeq..
kalo xcaye, tnye wahie. :)
ahaha. kau nih syahir. shower tu kalau nak kawen je laa. hape daaa kau! weh weh ain aku datang tolong masak bleh? aku jadi tukang rasa! quality control maaa :DD
syahir mmg benggong skit..haha ;p ske sgt shower..
to ryhann, ko btul ke nk dtg awl??haha..bkn ko slalu blk lmbt ker??
wa3..baik siot ko! ;P hehe..dtg la klu nk..ak ok jer..sila2..
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