Sunday, November 30, 2008

My spring semester class will gonna be Boston!!shooot..this is so incredulous!! definitely gives me creeps to hear the word Boston!!geeky..nerdy..brainy people..duh~ -_-' and astonishingly i'm gonna be one of Bostonians..lucky enough that our streaming clases simply divide us into our major courses!!thus, it's not really according to our level of intelligence..all mingle up together..and my classmates..i think all of them gonna be malays!each and everyone of us! haha..actuary kan..all of us secure MARA scholar..i guess so..awkward isn't it?? and fortunately, people like cute lil ehem3..haha ;p gonna be the same class as mine..same goes to pretty fatin inani and also genius shasha..(everyone is talkactive!) i knew them quite well! :D hope that we'll make a great team! :D calculus! c++! sooo not ready..who else gonna be Bostonians??let me know.. :D and others?


syahirshahimi said...

star gile masok boston sehh =P

Anonymous said...

skang bru ku phm knape ko mnjerit "boston!" time tido ari tuh..

-aku yg mndengar ko mnjerit ketika tido-

ain coco said...

oit laki bini..
snyp r ;p
muahaha..ko r star syhr..austin seh..ak tau ko sdey xsma klas dgn dba..xpe2..
dba..ak pun tau ko sdey xsma dgn syhr..alolo..soooooooo sweeet~ ;p
tp ape2 pun..korg kn apply uni worries k..muahahhaa :D

ryhaann said...

star masuk boston eh? tapi last time aku cek, aku manusia, bukan star. cemana nihhhh?

Anonymous said...

kureng kot bgitu
ak dah tukar uni la
uni yg ak aply x lepas la qualification..

ain coco said...

haha..raihan..ko star la..ak je xstar =) hehe..
dba..lek r..ko da tkr uni?smpt plak..rmai je xlps..ak pun..adoi..

Anonymous said...

mngapela egkau ini mudah percaye wahai rumet ku..
adoi.. kasehan kebenaran ak melihat engkau..
ape sudah jadi engkau dirumah?
jom r blek akasia cpt.. haha

ain coco said...

haha..jom2 blk aksia jom!!ak bosan..weih2..gdluck sat..insyaAllah ak amek bln 1 nih!!amin...hehe..

syahirshahimi said...

woi2 bile plak aku austin wehh??
aku kelas irvine lah

ain coco said...

aaaaaaaa...ko yg tpu ak...wt2 xtau lak ;p ish3...sat da dkt..muahaha

HARYA said...

syahir kata dia klaz kearney kat aku..
tpu aku!!
sama ja laki bini!!

Anonymous said...

tolong la jgn tertipu ngn syahir..
austin tu kan klas budk acturial..
irvine klas biotech..
die kan engineering...

ain coco said...

wei..austin bkn actuary r ;p adehh..syhr ni mmg penipu..nmpk je baik..haha.. ;p ko mmg syhr..

Anonymous said...

ye la
kwn ak hayqal austin
die actuary

syahirshahimi said...

"syhr ni mmg penipu..nmpk je baik..haha.. ;p ko mmg syhr.."

eh tp aku mmg baik la
x caye tanye bdk boston fall 08

p/s: buang la word verification ni wei..adoi

Zafree said...

syahir baik?


yup...buang aa word verification neyh...

ain coco said...

asl nk buang plak??ok je..hoho..kureng skit spam..nanti ak buang r..anonymous..ko dba ke??kwn ak engrg,austin la...xkisa la..aslkn ade klas..haha..